Discovered this gem in a 7.4: You can use this command to set most of the voice best-practices on through an automatic
For the following Example, I've configured WLAN 19 for cisco voice. Below is the output that it configures on the WLC and WLAN.
(Cisco Controller) config auto-configure voice cisco 19 radio 802.11a
Warning! This command will automatically disable all WLAN's and Radio's.
It will be reverted to the previous state once configuration is complete.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N)y
Auto-Configuring these commands in WLAN for Voice..
wlan qos 19 platinum
- Success
wlan call-snoop enable 19
- Success
wlan wmm allow 19
- Success
wlan session-timeout 19 86400
- Success
wlan peer-blocking disable 19
- Success
wlan security tkip hold-down 0 19
- Success
wlan exclusionlist 19 disable
- Success
wlan mac-filtering disable 19
- Success
wlan dtim 802.11a 2 19
- Success
wlan dtim 802.11b 2 19
- Success
wlan ccx aironetIeSupport enabled 19
- Success
wlan channel-scan defer-priority 4 enable 19
- Success
wlan channel-scan defer-priority 5 enable 19
- Success
wlan channel-scan defer-priority 6 enable 19
- Success
wlan channel-scan defer-time 100 19
- Success
wlan load-balance allow disable 19
- Success
wlan mfp client enable 19
- Success
wlan security wpa akm cckm enable 19
- Success
wlan security wpa akm cckm timestamp-tolerance 5000 19
- Success
wlan band-select allow disable 19
- Success
Auto-Configuring these commands for Voice - Radio 802.11a.
--More-- or (q)uit
advanced 802.11a edca-parameter optimized-voice
- Success
802.11a cac voice acm enable
- Success
802.11a cac voice max-bandwidth 75
- Success
802.11a cac voice roam-bandwidth 6
- Success
802.11a cac voice cac-method load-based
- Success
802.11a cac voice sip disable
- Success
802.11a tsm enable
- Success
802.11a exp-bwreq enable
- Success
802.11a txPower global auto
- Success
802.11a channel global auto
- Success
advanced 802.11a channel dca interval 24
- Success
advanced 802.11a channel dca anchor-time 0
--More-- or (q)uit
- Success
qos protocol-type platinum dot1p
- Success
qos dot1p-tag platinum 6
- Success
qos priority platinum voice voice besteffort
- Success
802.11a beacon period 100
- Success
802.11a dtpc enable
- Success
802.11a Coverage Voice RSSI Threshold -70
- Success
802.11a txPower global min 11
- Success
advanced eap eapol-key-timeout 250
- Success
advanced 802.11a voice-mac-optimization disable
- Success
802.11h channelswitch enable 1
- Success
Note: Data rate configurations are not changed.
It should be changed based on the recomended values after analysis.
--More-- or (q)uit
(Cisco Controller) config>